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mentoring relationshipToday, I’d like to share some ideas on what mentoring pairs can do together to create and enhance their relationship.

  • Observe a mentoree at a meeting to see how s/he interacts with others and provide feedback to the mentoree about what you’ve learned.
  • You might also ask those the mentoree interacted with for their impressions of the mentoree at the meeting.
  • Share a book, interactive video or other resource and mutually discuss your reactions.
  • Have the mentoree observe the mentor at a meeting which involves an area of interest to the mentoree so that they can gain some knowledge on the topic.
  • Be on a joint committee or project.
  • Have a mentoree keep a brief work diary of events between your meetings that s/he would like to discuss with you.
  • Meet with other pairs in the program to share ideas/challenges, etc.
  • Spend some time doing something social: attend a concert, movie, sporting event.
  • Discuss the highlights or your career and have your mentoring partner do the same.
  • Use an agenda for some meetings and not at other meetings to see which works best for both of you.

Feel free to add your own ideas for what mentoring pairs can do together. I’d love to hear from you!

Also, this free resource can be helpful for both mentors and mentorees. Click here for our FREE white paper, Business Mentoring Fosters Career Advancement.