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Some companies put mentoring pairs together but provide them with no training whatsoever. Other companies are a little bit more professional and will train the mentors but not the mentorees. Both of those companies are undermining their efforts in mentoring by not providing both mentors and mentorees with the knowledge they need to create and sustain an effective mentoring relationship. 

There are two critical components when training mentoring participants of a mentoring program:

1. The first critical component is training mentoring participants in HOW to take part in a mentoring relationship. This is different from coaching training or communication skills training.

2.  The second critical component in mentoring training is the CONTENT of the training. The content of mentoring training should be focused on creating an effective relationship. This includes discussing the role of expectations within the relationship; the boundaries of the participants (mentor, mentoree, mentoring program manager); and the specific ground rules of how the relationship will operate (frequency of meetings, etc.).

A well developed professional mentoring program will train mentors, mentorees, and mentoring program managers on their role within the relationship and will also provide the type of training that is mentoring focused.

 Mentoring Success introduces mentoring program managers, mentors and mentorees to crucial mentoring skills and key concepts of corporate mentoring programs. And of course, as always, please feel free to contact us with any additional questions you may have about mentoring or mentoring training.