Top 5 Tips For The Executive Mentor
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Executive Mentoring is different from other types of mentoring in that the mentor is always someone from the organization who holds an executive level position. With that position comes an awareness that Executive Mentors should have when relating with their mentorees.

The following are 5 top tips that all Executive Mentors should keep in mind when engaging in a mentoring relationship:

Tips for the Executive Mentor

1. Be aware of the power you bring to the table. It doesn’t matter how inviting you are or how comfortable you are able to make the mentoree–the power you have is always present in the room. Be aware of it.

2. Don’t overuse or underuse your power. An example of overusing power would be solving the mentoree’s issues for them. An example of underusing your power would be a mindset of “I won’t do anything because I don’t want to influence you.” Neither one of these is good. The primary goal of mentoring is to help the mentoree develop – not to do it for them but to do it with them.

3. Be aware of cloning. Some Executive Mentors believe that their mentoree should follow them around and do exactly what he/she is doing to be successful. That’s not true. Your role as an Executive Mentor is to help the mentoree develop his/her career goals, not yours.

4. Do not feel responsible for mentoree’s success or failure. You are the facilitator of your mentoree’s development. Avoid the trap of doing too much or too little.

5. Be circumspect about sharing information about your mentoree to others. Be sure you define what confidentiality menas at the beginning of the relationship.

If you would like more information about Executive Mentoring, please feel free to download our free Executive Mentoring 101 e-book.